Tuesday, August 11, 2009
"Oh what a night!" Family Fun
Monday, July 27, 2009
Time flies!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ode to Our Second-Born
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Disney Trip 2009!!!
On March 15th we left WAY too early in the morning for Florida - it was a trip we had been anticipating for over a year. My dad took myself & my siblings ten years ago & he wanted to gather us for a 'Disney Reunion' of sorts. After saving & planning for such a long time we were all VERY excited when the week arrived.
So off we went at 5:30am with our girls on an airplane headed for Orlando. After a LONG day of travel, we arrived at our vacation house around 2pm. Not long after my dad arrived with his caravan - my sister Sara & her family, my brother Bobby & his girlfriend with her daughter, and my lil sis Mary too. Mary's boyfriend Zack would be joining us on Tuesday so all together we made a group of 14! The house was so awesome, though, that it never felt crammed. (If anyone is planning a trip to Florida I would highly recommend the vacation homes we used - it was awesome!)
Day 1 - Epcot, when we saw the main Disney friends... Savannah was beside herself with excitement - she waited in line with me for 45 minutes & didn't mention a single complaint... since this was our first day on the trip I was not sure what the week would hold in terms of a 3 year old - no naps, and late nights - but she was AMAZING. She stood in numerous hour-long lines with us through the week and was nothing but patient, excited & sweet. She'd play games & sing songs, or just lay her head down... Disney IS Magical!
Day 2 - Animal Kingdom: We kept this day short, and my dad
Day 3 - Hollywood Studios: By far, Savannah's favorite part was the "Fantasia
Day 4 - Magic Kingdom! Another day that Dad kept Adelyn back at the house for swimming, bottles & naps - so it was a "magical' day with Savannah! She was so adorable. At her most tired & most overwhelmed she behaved beautifully, and even awed us with her 3 year old innocence & amazement. We went to Belle's story time & they picked TJ to be the Beast. Savannah LOVED that! Then we went to the "Bibbity, Boppity, Boutique!" for a little Mom- Daughter bonding. I was completely thrown off when she was SCARED out of her mind & did NOT want to do it. She sat in my lap & very timidly let the "Fairy God Mothers" do her hair & make-up. She would not close her eyes for the eye-shadow because she was too scared! But she go the rest. Once I was in the 'hot seat' she was all giggles & smiles and we loved being primped up together. We pushed her through to the closing once again and it was worth it! Disney has the most awesome fire-works show. As we moved slowly but surely as a sea of people back to the parking lot Savannah sighed & said "I'm so thankful...." in her most tired state since she was born. It was priceless & it sure made TJ & I so proud.
We used Friday to stay at the house & rest & pack up for the Saturday trip back home. Needless to say it was the trip of Savannah's life-time. We had our concerns and reservations about taking such a little one on such a big trip but she showed us that she is more than capable.... Coming home and adjusting back to 'normal' routine was a bit of a challenge - no more skipping naps & special eats all the time!!! The first thing she did when we got home was ask to play "Bibbity Bobbity Boutique" - she got her Belle dress on & pretended
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Savannah's Paradise
Well for the Winters Family it has been a busy few months... As we anticipated Adelyn's birth back in August of 2008 we prepared her nursery with much excitement and love. We made sure to involve her loving 'Big Sister' in our efforts to make her feel a part of this special event. So as Savannah was nearing her 3rd birthday (Jan. 31) we started to feel that we should pour that same love & excitement into HER room, allowing her some creative input. She & her dad have a special bond with the Steven Curtis Chapman song "Cinderella" and while she has never seen the movie we decided to put the castle on her wall.
For what seemed like forever she kept reminding Daddy about how they needed to work on the castle. I decided that maybe there would be a creative way to turn this concept into something more fitting with our family values, and something that as she grows into a young lady would have a more meaningful influence on her. So I sat TJ down one night & shared with him my idea to go ahead and put a castle on her wall, but to set the scene as 'The Heavenly Skies' instead of "Happily Ever After." We would place the castle in the clouds and put a Scripture Passage next to it, "In My Father's house are many rooms"...."I am going there to prepare a place for you....." John 14:1-3. We would tell her that this is her Princess Castle in Heaven because Jesus is the King of all Kings & that His Kingdom is in heaven.
So finally, after months and months of putting it off, we set the plan in motion! (We found a wall decal for $35!) It feels like it has been going on forever! But we have finally finished & it is so exciting to go in there. She kept asking me if she could have a "Sun" as well - or as she calls it "Mr. Sun"... So I painted her light fixture yellow & put rays on the ceiling.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Reflecting the 'Season'
Can you believe it is already half way through January of 2009? More and more I am starting to see for myself that time just flies by as you get older. I feel like just yesterday I was staying up late at night with my friends having those crazy yet seemingly 'relevant' conversations about religion and politics and getting up the next morning feeling just as refreshed as I would after an eight hour stretch of deep sleep.
In reality we each find ourselves right smack dab in the second half of our third decade, and sometimes we feel so old! If we are up late, it is to calm our distressed 3 year old or quiet our unsettled 5 month old - and the next morning when we wake up we feel like our eyes carry the weight of bricks. Whether you find yourself at a similar place, in the stages before or light years beyond, we hope your holiday was filled with the traditions that you hold dear.
As for our family, we thoroughly enjoyed the genuine experience of providing Christmas to two little girls under 3 years old. It did not come without challenges, however. This being our third Christmas with children, and our first with a 'big girl,' TJ & I have had many conversations on how to keep the focus on Jesus and on how we want to shape our future Christmases with the girls ... when all the stores and television adds and external media really send the message that it's about Santy Claus & gifts! Don't get us wrong, it is so fun to give gifts to our children and it is EASY to get carried away... but one thing we realized early on is that we want them to recognize the reverse side of this tradition.
We decided one of the most effective ways to do this would be to participate in Operation Christmas Child - Project Angel Tree... so we went to church, picked up our Angel, and made sure to have our oldest, Savannah, go to the store with us and purchase a toy that would not end up in her play room...... You can bet that even after I told her we were going to buy a gift for a little boy, her first question was "Is this for me?" And to be honest, I was glad that she asked that...It gave me the chance to explain to her that no, this was a gift for a child who doesn't have many toys like she does. I explained to her that she is very blessed to have lots of toys. By the time we wrapped it and prepared it for church, she was asking if we could give it to the boy ourselves and the only down side was that I had to tell her, "No, we will take it to church and one of our friends at church will make sure this little boy receives his toy." She is little, but I felt like she really understood.
Another thing we did this year was to repeatedly share the nativity story with Savannah. She is well familiar with Jesus and that he was God's son, sent to earth.. and that he died for our sins and rose again to save us from our "bad choices." And since she just had a new baby sister, she is also very familiar with mommy 'having a baby in her tummy' and 'baby being born.' So we just explained that Christmas is about the story of when Jesus was born, just like how Adelyn was born! We celebrate his "birthday" and such... and that the wise men brought gifts, just like we get gifts for OUR birthdays! When we were asked to participate in the "Drive Thru Natvity" at our church it was a no-brainer! Adelyn got to play 'Jesus' and Savannah and I played angels at the nativity scene. Now, everytime Savannah sees a nativity scene, she says "Look, Mom, it's a Drive Thru Nativity!"
One of my favorite funny stories from the season was the one that happened well after Christmas, when we were putting away wrapping and 'tissue paper." Savannah grabbed a piece and asked me to tape it around her... because she wanted to be a present for Jesus. What a heart-warming moment for a parent after God's own heart....and so for the moment, I feel like our early efforts to teach her (and soon Adelyn) about the TRUE meaning of Christmas have been fruitful and effective.
If you have any traditions or suggestions that you have found really drive the message home, we'd love to hear them! And as I wrap up our first blog, Happy New Year - we hope you feel renewed as you reflect on the true "Gift" that Christmas brings - Salvation!
Love, The Winters Family